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本文摘要:Apples home button is dead, according to hidden code.根据隐蔽代码,苹果的Home键要消失了。

Apples home button is dead, according to hidden code.根据隐蔽代码,苹果的Home键要消失了。The little circle at the bottom of the phone has been the main way of identifying Apples handsets, at least when theyre turned off. But its about to disappear in the iPhone 8.这个坐落于手机底部的小圆圈仍然是辨识苹果手机的主要方式,最少在手机重开时是这样的。但是Home键将要在iPhone8上消失。

Thats according to code that was accidentally released by Apple. Part of that includes a check on whether a device has a home button – something that was previously unrequired, since every iPhone had one.这种众说纷纭的依据源于苹果公司无意间公布的代码。代码内容还包括证实设备否享有Home键,这些代码曾是多余的,因为iPhone手机都有Home键。

Its possible that the reference is to other devices that run some form of iOS and dont have a home button, like the Apple TV. But the removal of the home button in the iPhone squares with other code found in the release, pictures that are also included within it, and years of rumours.这条代码有可能所指的是没Home键的其他IOS设备,比如苹果电视机顶盒。但是公开发表的其他代码、代码内的图片以及多年来的谣言都能与这种众说纷纭对上号。Pictures found in the code that appear to depict the new phone, for instance, show the design including some of the forehead that sits at the top, but none of the chin at the bottom that houses the button. As such, there appears to be no space for a physical home button and it will presumably be depicted on screen instead, as it is on Android.比如,图片代码中的一些叙述或许表明了iPhone8的设计,手机的顶部还尚存“前额”,但是底部Home键所在的“下巴”却没了。

因此,或许早已没容纳Home键的物理空间,它有可能像安卓系统那样,经常出现在屏幕上。Some had hoped that the long-rumoured removal of the home button would actually mean that it was hidden under the bottom of the screen, and that the fingerprint sensor would shine through the display. But there appears to be no such reference to a TouchID fingerprint sensor, and so its likely that the button will be entirely virtual.一些人曾希望这则流传已幸的谣言实质上意味著将Home键隐蔽在屏幕底下,而指纹传感器不会利用显示屏工作。

但是TouchID指纹传感器或许未被提到,因此Home键有可能将完全变成虚拟世界的。That will also mean that the button can move out of the way when it is not required, such as when people are watching videos.这也意味著可以在不必须的时候将Home键卡住,比如观赏视频时。Code found by developers including Steve Troughton-Smith and Guilherme Rambo suggest a major re-design to the phone. They and others have been picking through firmware that was apparently accidentally made available online, and includes references to many unreleased features.史蒂夫?兹劳顿?史密斯和吉列尔梅?兰博等开发者找到的代码指出iPhone的设计再次发生根本性转变。他们和其他人早已从网络上车祸公开发表的固件中找寻蛛丝马迹,其中牵涉到许多没公开发表的功能。

They have also found suggestions that the phone will be able to track peoples faces. That will apparently be used to unlock the phone, as well as to see whether people are paying attention to the screen and so change things on the display accordingly.他们还找到了新款iPhone将能展开人脸识别的迹象。这种功能似乎不会用来关卡手机、检测人们否在注目屏幕,然后适当地转变显示器上的内容。The firmware was actually made for Apples upcoming HomePod smart speaker, but it included numerous references to the new phone and other hardware as well.网上发布的固件实质上归属于苹果将要发售的HomePod智能音响,但它的很多设计参照了新款iPhone和其他硬件。

