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本文摘要:TOKYO — A solar-powered plane attempting to circle the globe without a drop of fuel made an unscheduled landing late Monday in Japan to wait out bad weather.一架正在尝试不必一滴燃油环绕着地球的太阳能飞机于周一晚间在日本临时迫降,以便等候差劲天气的完结。

TOKYO — A solar-powered plane attempting to circle the globe without a drop of fuel made an unscheduled landing late Monday in Japan to wait out bad weather.一架正在尝试不必一滴燃油环绕着地球的太阳能飞机于周一晚间在日本临时迫降,以便等候差劲天气的完结。Swiss pilot André Borschberg took off from Nanjing, China, on Sunday on what was to be the longest leg of the journey, a six-day, 8,175-kilometer (5,079-mile) flight to Hawaii.瑞士飞行员安德烈·波许博格(André Borschberg)周日从中国的南京抵达,开始了原本是航程中最久的一段飞行中,计划用6天时间飞到5079英里(约合8175公里)抵达夏威夷。Instead, the Solar Impulse 2 made an unscheduled visit in central Japan, and landed safely at the Nagoya Airport.但是,“阳光动力2号”(Solar Impulse 2)临时飞回了日本中部,在名古屋飞行中场安全性迫降。

Japanese Transport Ministry and Nagoya airport officials said earlier that they were arranging for the landing to occur after the airports usual closing hours to accommodate the plane with a wide wingspan.日本国土交通省和机场的官员之前回应,他们仍然在决定“阳光动力2号”在机场营业时间完结后的迫降事宜,以使这架长翼展的飞机需要成功落地。Live Internet feed on the organizers website showed crewmembers in the control room applauding and cheering at the landing. Borschberg, who emerged from the cockpit with a full smile, was mobbed by the projects ground staff welcoming his safe arrival.组织者网站上的直播视频表明,飞机降落之际,控制室的机组人员在起立掌声。波许博格从驾驶舱中出来的时候满面笑容,被青睐他安全性到达的项目地面工作人员团团围住。

Bertrand Piccard, Initiator, Chairman and Co-Pilot of Solar Impulse 2, told the organizers live feed, Solar Impulse TV that it was unfortunate the weather turned bad when the flight was going very well. He said the plane will continue its journey to Hawaii when the weather improves.“阳光动力2号”项目的发起人、董事长和机长贝特朗·皮卡尔(Bertrand Piccard)在阳光动力电视的网络直播中回应,很惜天气逆险恶了,尽管飞机仍然飞得很好。他说道天气转好时,飞机不会之后前往夏威夷。

You know, its one of these strange moments of life between elation and disappointment, he said. The team has achieved the longest flight ever of a solar plane going through the night, but the front is too dangerous to cross ...“你告诉,这就是生命中那种奇特的时刻,喜乐和沮丧兼具,”他说道。“团队早已超越了太阳能飞机有史以来夜间飞行中时间最久的记录,但是锋线过于危险性了,无法穿过……”Its just the weather doesnt fit. Everything we could do has been done and was successful. What we cannot control is the weather. So we land in Nagoya, we wait for better conditions, and we continue, he said.“就是天公不作美。我们能做到的都早已做到了,也很顺利。就是天气我们控制不了。

所以我们迫降在了名古屋,等天气转好再继续飞,”他说道。Elke Neumann, a spokeswoman for the Solar Impulse project, said from Nanjing that the team had noticed the weather more than a day ago.“阳光动力”项目的发言人埃尔卡·诺伊曼(Elke Neumann)在南京回应,团队一天多前就注意到了这种天气。We thought we might go through it, she said. But between Japan and Hawaii theres no place to stop.“我们以为或许能一挺过去,”她说道。

“但是日本和夏威夷之间没地方可以停车。”The safety of the pilot and the plane are a priority, and they will likely wait a few days in Japan until the weather changes, she said.她说道,飞行员和飞机的安全性是最重要的,而他们很有可能得在日本等几天,直到天气状况转变。Solar Impulse 2 needs room to land, so it generally avoids times when commercial flights are operating, Neuman said. The plane also usually lands at night, because the winds tend to be lower. It needs wind to be no more than 10 knots, she said.诺伊曼称之为,“阳光动力2号”必须一定的空间来迫降,所以一般不会避免商业航班运营的时间。

这架飞机还一般来说在夜间降落,因为此时的风速往往较为较低。她说道,“阳光动力2号”忍受的风速无法多达10节。We are a little bit sad, because everythings functioning perfectly: The batteries are charging, theres enough sun, the pilot is in good health, hes in good condition — its all working well, Neumann said.“我们有点儿伤心,因为一切都运营极致:电池在蓄电,阳光充足,飞行员健康状况较好,状态也好——方方面面都不俗,”诺伊曼说道。At the time of landing, the planes batteries were still 74 percent charged, according to the organizer website.组织者的网站上表明,飞机迫降时,电池还有74%的电量。

The journey started in March in Abu Dhabi, and the plane has stopped in Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The flight from Nanjing to Hawaii is the seventh of 12 flights and the riskiest.“阳光动力2号”于今年3月从阿布扎比起航,已在阿曼、印度、缅甸和中国经停。从南京到夏威夷是12个航段中的第七段,也是最危险性的一段。

