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【蓝狮在线】刺眼的太阳能市场预测 Solar energy glaring assumptions

本文摘要:In the sci-fi film Sunshine, a spaceship’s crew goes insane after staring at the sun for too long. Those hoping for profits from solar power investments might also go mad. While healthy solar panel demand does catch the eye, prices have fallen more than a fifth during the past two years due to a glut of manufacturing capacity. 在科幻电影《太阳灾难》(Sunshine)里,飞船上的宇航员因为盯着太阳看了太久而精神失常。

In the sci-fi film Sunshine, a spaceship’s crew goes insane after staring at the sun for too long. Those hoping for profits from solar power investments might also go mad. While healthy solar panel demand does catch the eye, prices have fallen more than a fifth during the past two years due to a glut of manufacturing capacity. 在科幻电影《太阳灾难》(Sunshine)里,飞船上的宇航员因为盯着太阳看了太久而精神失常。那些渴求从投资太阳能发电而利润的人有可能也不会胡言乱语。

尽管对太阳能电池板的充沛市场需求的确引人注目,但生产生产能力相当严重不足造成过去两年里价格下降逾五分之一。Solar installations should keep growing, another 40 per cent to 81.4 gigawatts before the end of the decade. Much of this expansion will come in the US, the second-largest solar market. One driver for panel demand there has been a federal investment tax credit for 30 per cent of the spend. Originally meant to end this year, a last-minute reprieve by Congress extended it for another three years — good news for panel makers. 太阳能发电装机容量应当不会持续增长,在本十年完结之前追加40%,至81.4吉瓦。这一扩展有相当大一部分将再次发生在全球第二大太阳能市场——美国。性刺激美国市场太阳能电池板市场需求的众多动力是30%的联邦投资税收抵免。

该计划原订今年累计,但美国国会在最后一刻将其缩短了三年,这对太阳能电池板制造商来说是个好消息。Yet volumes will still need to grow faster than solar panel prices are falling. Forward valuations for companies in the New York Stock Exchange’s Solar index have compressed; the index’s price/earnings ratio has dropped nearly a third this year to 18 times, suggesting the market does not yet believe that prices will stop falling. 尽管如此,太阳能电池板的销售量快速增长仍必须跑完输掉价格暴跌。纽交所(NYSE)太阳能指数成分股公司的预期估值早已大跌,今年以来该股指的市盈率已暴跌将近三分之一,至18倍,或许指出市场尚能不指出价格将暂停暴跌。

Excess capacity in China is usually blamed. Worldwide, demand this year for solar panels at 66GW should still trail well behind capacity of 75-80GW, says renewables specialist BNEF. Most makers of the polysilicon for these panels lose money on every kilogramme they sell; spot prices now run at $13 per kilogramme. News this year that polysilicon producers such as REC Silicon had closed US factories understandably improved spirits, lifting shares of US-listed Chinese silicon maker Daqo and Korea’s OCI. 这一般来说被归咎于中国的生产能力不足。据可再生能源专家BNEF讲解,今年全球66吉瓦的太阳能电池板市场需求,仍将相比之下领先于75-80吉瓦的生产能力。用作太阳能电池板的多晶硅的多数生产商,每销售一公斤都在赔钱;目前的现货价格是每公斤13美元。不该今年有关多晶硅生产商(如REC Silicon)重开美国工厂的消息令人振奋,此类消息推高了在美国上市的中国多晶硅厂商吉尼斯世界纪录能源(Daqo)和韩国OCI的股价。

Matters could still get worse, though. Norway’s Elkem, now owned by Bluestar Group, a subsidiary of ChemChina, can make polysilicon profitably even at current prices. Demand from China, the largest market for installations, is slowing and represents little of future growth, according to IHS. More heat and less light required. 然而,情况有可能还不会显得更糟。目前由中国化工(ChemChina)的子公司蓝星集团(Bluestar Group)所有的挪威埃肯公司(Elkem),即便以当前的价格生产多晶硅尚能能盈利。


